Our Successful Projects

✔ The UNDP-funded project, implemented by LCAD South Sudan, is titled "Provision of Legal Aid Including Legal Representation, Legal Awareness, Legal Advice, and Psychosocial Support to Vulnerable Groups in Western Bahr el Ghazal State-Wau and Abyei Administration Area (AAA)." In September 2024, photos were taken of local authorities, police, public prosecutors, judges, women's groups, CSOs, and prison authorities posing after a legal awareness and community sensitization event.

✔ In Lakes State-Rumbek, LCAD South Sudan implemented a UNDP-funded project titled "Skills, Employment, and Empowerment for the Development of Youth in South Sudan." This photo was taken during the institution-based student orientation at Rumbek Vocational Training Center in March 2024.

✔ In Lakes State-Rumbek, LCAD South Sudan implemented a UNDP-funded project titled "Skills, Employment, and Empowerment for the Development of Youth in South Sudan." This photo was taken at the LCAD Office in Rumbek during the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting in March 2024.

✔ Provision of Emergency Nutrition and Health Services to support IPC 4 affected population targeting children 6-59 months and PLWs in Gogrial West County of Warrap State, South Sudan, funded by RRF-IOM and ended in May 30, 2024.

✔ Emergency agriculture and livelihood support to the most vulnerable households engaged in agriculture and facing severe acute food insecurity (IPC Phase 3 or worse) to maintain/resume food production and strengthen the resilience and adaptive capacity for climate change of vulnerable agriculture-dependent communities in South Sudan by FAO, ended in October 31, 2024.

✔ Emergency livelihood support to food insecure and displaced households in South Sudan to save lives, protect and restore livelihoods, enhance food production and strengthen the resilience of vulnerable communities in Tonj East of Warrap State, funded by FAO, 31st October 2023.

✔ Legal Aid support to vulnerable population in Western Bhar El Ghazal State and Abyei funded by UNDP, October 31 2024.

✔ Livelihood Development and Institutional Capacity Strengthening of Kuajok Prison services, Gogrial West County, Warrap State, funded by UNMISS, in May 30, 2023.

✔ Provision Community-based livelihood skills training geared on Agricultural Value Chain and Entrepreneurship development in Central Equatoria, South Sudan, funded by UNDP, in October, 2022.

✔ Peace and Community cohesion (PaCC); addressing key drivers of conflict through vocational trainings and Sport for Peace (Youth Component) in Gogrial West, Tonj North and Tonj East, funded by UNDP in October 31, 2021.

✔ Gender mainstreaming in Security Sector Reform in Abyei Administrative Area, Gogrial West and Tonj North, funded by UN Women, December 2021.

✔ Promotion of livestock vaccination and treatment in Gogrial East and Twic Counties of Warrap State, funded by FAO, Oct 2020 to May 2021.

✔ Promotion of livestock vaccination and treatment in Gogrial West /East by FAO funded Octo 2019- May 2020.

✔ Construction of Sanitation Facility & Court House in Turalei, Twic County, funded by UNMISS, Novermber 2019- June 2020.

✔ Support to Food Insecure HH and promotion of pastoralist Education in Gogrial West and Gogrial East Counties of Warrap State, funded by FAO, May 2019- March 2020.

✔ Equipping Kuajok FM 99.0 Radio with solar system to ease access to information in Gogrial West County, Warrap State, funded by UNMISS, Nov 2018-April 2019.

✔ South Sudan Rural Development Program (SORUDEV)/TVET in Tonj South, Gogrial West and Gogrial East, funded by European-AID through NRC, May 2014-January 2017.

✔ Improved food security, agro pastoralists and quality seed multiplication in Gogrial West County, Warrap State, funded by FAO, May-Dec 2016.

✔ Urban Food Security, Livelihood & Market (UFSLM) Component of Value chain Addition (VCA) in Gogrial West County, Warrap State, funded by GIZ, Jun-Dec 2016.

✔ Empower Natural Resources Management (NRM) Committees and promote pastoralist education in Tonj North County, Warrap State, funded by FAO, May-Dec 2016.

✔ Installation of Water and Solar power system, construction of Sanitation facilities and Provision of Anaesthetic Equipment in Kuajok State Hospital, Gogrial West County, Warrap State, funded by UNMISS, Dec 2014- March 2015.

✔ Pastoralist Education& FFS in Gogrial West and Gogrial East, funded by FAO, May 2014- Jan. 2015.

✔ Sanitation and Hygiene in Education in Gogrial West, funded by OFDA/IOM, Nov-2013.

✔ Peace and stability quick impact fund (PSQIF): TVET, WASH in Education in Tonj East funded by EU through IOM South Sudan, Dec 2012- May 2013.