Lukluk Community Association for Development (herewith referred to as LCAD) is a humanitarian and developmental National Non-Governmental Organization (NNGO) established in 2009. LCAD was legally registered with the Warrap State Ministry of Rural Development and Social Welfare and the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (RRC) in 2012. In 2015, we obtained registration certificates from the National Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs and the South Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (RRC), with registration numbers 2,578 and 1,274, respectively. LCAD is comprised of a diverse group of experienced and innovative young men and women from various communities across South Sudan. Our mission is to enhance the capacity and freedom of the people for sustainable peace and development, facilitating access to basic services. We believe that youth play a crucial role in ending the cycles of violence affecting our communities. As a humanitarian organization, we advocate for the rights of children, women, and all human rights.
In partnership, we strive to educate and develop a society free from hunger and poverty.
‘’Empowering Community for better future.’’

Our Core Values:

✔ Transparency and Accountability.

✔ Integrity

✔ Neutrality and impartiality

✔ Mutual respect and trust

✔ Commitment and cooperation

✔ Teamwork

Our Objectives:

✔ To facilitate relief, rehabilitation and development of the communities affected by natural and human-induced calamities.

✔ To contribute in support of vulnerable/affected population (i.e. under five children-girls and boys, women-pregnant and lactating mothers, men and elderly) through nutrition specific and sensitive program to curve acute malnutrition rate in South Sudan.

✔ To strengthen capacity development for the relevant government institutions staff to deliver the services by their own in the future.

✔ Support and protect regular and alternative education systems in the Republic of South Sudan.

✔ To explore and create innovative solutions through programmes that support complex development challenges, support structures and policies taking into consideration sustainability and a human rights-based approach for sustainable human development in South Sudan.

✔ To support youth as an effective and efficient asset of the society and girl child education.

✔ To promote awareness on environmental protection and sustainability.

✔ To promote human rights, good governance for accountable democracy; and gender equity and equality, improve education, and agriculture in a peaceful society.

✔ To support protection interventions for displaced populations and other vulnerable groups.

✔ Support Agricultural Education and youth livelihoods developments.